Welcome to the tour! Due to popular request, we’re very happy to break down our AI detection Chrome Extension for you in this article. This is going to be a detailed one, so if you’re looking for a specific explanation, please select it from the blog outline below:
The optimal use of Passed.AI
The intended use of our tool is to start with a document scan (Passed Extension). Document scans are unlimited and will give the user very valuable insights. It’ll instantly become clear if anything suspicious is going on and if it’d be of value to do an ai detection scan. Every subscription gets topped up with 200 credits per month for this purpose. In other words (literally), you can scan 20,000 words per month.
If you’re looking for a quick AI scan, open up our app and paste the text you’d like to check.
Detecting AI with the Passed.AI AI Detection Chrome Extension
The Passed.AI AI Detection Chrome Extension is a unique AI detector in the sense that it doesn’t just generate an AI score (read why this is not enough here), it also provides you with secondary checks in the form of a full document creation analysis. This approach minimizes false negatives and false positives. Let’s get started!
Getting Started with Detecting AI With Our Chrome Extension
Let’s start from the start. Go to the Google Web Store to install the extension. If you’re having trouble, please take a look at our detailed guide.
Next, open a Google Document of choice and click ‘Passed.AI Report’ in the top right corner. If you don’t see the ‘Passed.AI Report’ button, please make sure you are logged in on the app and you have an active subscription.
The Passed.AI AI Detection Flow
It’s decision time! After clicking ‘Passed.AI Report’, you’ll be prompted to choose whether you’d like to see the Audit Report first or if you’d like to go ahead with one of the AI scans. The AI Quick Scan requires less credits, but also just scans a part of the text. The AI Full Scan uses Originality.AI and offers 99% accuracy.
We always recommend checking out the document scan first and see if there’s anything suspicious going on before you use credits to complete one of the AI Scans. Do keep in mind, your subscription includes unlimited Document Audits. However, AI Scans require credits. Rest assured, with your subscription, you receive a monthly top-up of 200 credits, enabling you to scan an additional 20,000 words.
What’s a Flow Score?
The Passed.AI Flow Score reflects how natural the creator’s writing rhythm was.
That’s a mouthful! So what does it mean? There’s a lot of ways for students to “hide” that they used an AI writing tool (little do they know – nothing can be hidden from Passed.AI). They could try and use paraphrasers such as Quillbot and paste the output into their essay. Paste-ins are saved in Google Docs and will be displayed in the Document Audit AND be reflected in the Flow Score. Some students know about this, and therefore manually type over their artificially paraphrased text into the Google Doc, thinking this wouldn’t be caught. Wrong again! This is one of those things that will be picked up by our Flow Score, because naturally writing text and manually copying it each have a very different rhythm.
- 0.00 – 0.39: the flow score indicates an unnatural writing style
- 0.40 – 0.59: the flow score indicates a potenitally unnatural writing style
- 0.60 – 1.00: the flow score indicates a natural (human) writing style
Essentially, the Flow Score is a great indicator of whether or not an AI scan is needed. This is just the start – let’s take a look at the Document Audit.
The Document Audit
The Document Audit will provide very valuable insights in the document creation. Before we’ll break down every single element, we wanted to show you the entire look of the first step. We also have a Replay Tool we’ll talk about later.
Document Audit Stats
Let’s zoom in on each part of the Document Audit!
We’ve already talked about the Flow Score, so let’s jump to the actions. There’s a 1:1 ratio between actions and changes made. This includes deletes. People naturally make mistakes when they type, so the number of actions should be much larger than the number of characters in the document. A paste-in counts as one action, we’ll get to this next.
Long Inserts
A Long Insert is a paste-in over X characters. Even though paste-ins can be innocent and simply used as a reference, it’s important to see if this actually happened correctly. If there’s no reference for the Long Insert, it might mean that the student either plagiarised or used AI to write (part of) their essay. The Document Audit also displays the individual Long Inserts, we’ll talk about those later.
Total Duration
The Total Duration is a more subjective parameter. In this case, an hour and 12 minutes may be acceptable for an easier 1 page-essay, but if the assignment requires a lot of research work or if it’s for a longer essay, it might instantly become clear that the student didn’t exactly make it alone.
Document Changes Timeline
Curious if your student wrote their essay the night before the due date? It’ll immediately become clear in this graph.
Long Inserts
As promised, we display every long insert here. In this case there was only one, and we can see when it was inserted and how many characters it had. If there’s multiple of these or very long ones without them being referenced, we recommend doing an AI test.
The Contributors section also gives us valuable information. If it’s a group work, you could use this if students are accusing each other of participating less. As with the Document Changes Timeline, you can see who made how many changes and when.
The Replay Tool
Get your popcorn, pick a speed, and relax! Literally ‘watch’ how your student wrote the essay.
The AI Scan
Did you check the Audit Report and decided there’s a need for an AI Scan to be extra sure? No Problem! We currently work with Originality.AI – the crowd favourite – which offers 99% accuracy. In the future, other AI detectors will be added as options so you could pick your favourite tool or even scan multiple times! This will be included in your subscription.
The optional fields in the top row have the main purpose to organize your scan history which can be viewed in your profile. Choose whether you’d like an AI Content scan, a Plagiarism scan, or both. For an input of 100 words, each scan will cost 1 credit. Keep in mind that if you opt to do both scans, it’ll be 2 credits. Hit ‘Scan Now’ to continue!