As AI tools become greater in number, capabilities, and integration into existing tools like Microsoft Office and Google Documents, students will find it hard to avoid using them. But it’s essential that they understand how to use AI responsibly and effectively. That’s why we’ve created the new AI Tutor: to help schools to provide the benefits of Generative AI without giving their students a way of avoiding “doing the work”.
Join the limited BetaWhat Is The Passed.AI Tutor?
The Passed.AI Tutor is a web app that creates a custom AI Tutor specific to an assignment. It’s a tool that students can interact with and helps them finish their assignments, while using AI appropriately and responsibly. The Tutor will help the student discuss, brainstorm, research, cite, and much more, but it will never do their work for them. What can the AI Tutor do?
Instant Assignment Setup & Tutor Creation

Providing your assignment requirements is the first (and last!) step in creating your Passed.AI Tutor. And we know that you’re likely already creating that assignment elsewhere, like in an LMS. So we’ve made it super easy to bring that information over to Passed.AI. Copy your assignment details as one big chunk of text, and drop it in our magic generator and we’ll use AI to parse the relevant information. Tweak if needed, then click ‘Confirm’, and we generate an AI Tutor that will remain narrowly focused on the subject and requirements of your assignment. Within a few seconds, you can then share the Tutor with your students!
Icebreakers encourage students to start
When we create a Tutor based on your assignment, we also use AI to create some icebreaker questions that your students can use to get started. We know one of the biggest challenges with engaging students is giving them clear and easy fist steps to get the ball rolling. Icebreakers are available at the start of the session and whenever the student moves to a new module, such as Research, Thesis, Draft, and Citations.
Getting unstuck is just a click away!
Keeping on track
Once your student is rolling with their assignment, the last thing we want is for them to get off track. Other AI assistants open the world of knowledge to your students, which is great. Except when they have a due date coming up and need to stay focused.
We’ve trained our Tutor to understand when a student is getting distracted and will positively encourage the student to remain focused while keeping itself from straying into non-relevant topics.
Custom Learning Styles
We all absorb information differently, so we’ve built the Tutor environment to work with students to find the resources that will get them learning the quickest. When the student first engages with the Research module, it will ask them how they prefer to learn. We can provide Audio, Video, websites, and traditional book based resources to the students and once they’ve identified their preferences, we surface those types to them first.
We’ll always give them great resources, regardless of the medium, but emphasizing those that fit their learning style helps engage them sooner.
Passed.AI Tutor helps when writing too!
Passed.AI Tutor isn’t just a chatbot, it can help and guide the students while writing as well. As the student writes, the AI will detect issues to bring to the their attention to reinforce the requirements of the assignment and help the student avoid making mistakes, like forgetting to cite sources.
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